That's my life ...

GuruGeri, the Scientist


I have worked more than 25 years as scientists, all over the world, but always with the host Germany: University of Goettingen, University of Kassel and the German federal Thuenen-Institute. My main topic was always Agriculture, with a heard for Organics. I have taken 2015-2017 a three years sabbatical to work as program leader for the "One World - No Hunger" initiative, based in Ethiopia, to gain more experience in food aid and development cooperation structures. 

Business functions (selection):


I have written several books for science, teaching and pleasure. If you like to have one of them, you can find them via Amazon or you send me a request. My more than 300 scientific papers (peer reviewed and grey) are found on the webpage of the Thuenen-Institute and search "Rahmann". You can also search under google scholar with my name "Gerold Rahmann".

My job at the University of Goettingen (1989-1992) (PhD-Student):


My job at the University of Kassel (1993-1999) (Post-Doc):

 My job at the Thuenen-Institute 2000-today (Director):

My job for giz in Ethiopia (2015-2017) (program manager):