That's my life ...

Asia, too divers and strange for Guru Geri

Asia, what is that for a continent of diversity, challenges and changes. Imagine: Near East Asia, Arabian Peninsula, Israel, Siberia, Central Asia, South East Asia, China, India. That is all too different for me: no clear picture. Comparable to Europe in the history, from colonized and exploited by Europeans via poverty towards global player.

  • Asia
  • Asia map
  • Asia statue

My travel stories of Asian countries are found here:

  1. Afghanistan
  2. Azerbaijan
  3. Bahrain
  4. Bangladesh
  5. Bhutan
  6. Brunei Darussalam
  7. Cambodia
  8. China
  9. Democratic People's Republic of Korea
  10. India
  11. Indonesia
  12. Islamic Republic of Iran
  13. Iraq
  14. Israel
  15. Japan
  16. Jordan
  17. Kazakhstan
  18. Kuwait
  19. Kyrgyzstan
  20. Lao People's Democratic Republic
  21. Lebanon
  22. Malaysia
  23. Maldives
  24. Mongolia
  25. Myanmar
  26. Nepal
  27. Oman
  28. Pakistan
  29. Philippines
  30. Qatar
  31. Republic of Korea
  32. Saudi Arabia
  33. Singapore
  34. Sri Lanka
  35. Syrian Arab Republic
  36. Tajikistan
  37. Thailand
  38. Timor-Leste
  39. Turkiye
  40. Turkmenistan
  41. United Arab Emirates
  42. Uzbekistan
  43. Viet Nam
  44. Yemen
  45. Palestine